Friday, August 3, 2012

Swords into Ploughshares

The deweaponization of the earth should commence immediately. All guns and other weapons/weapons systems are to be removed from aircraft/naval fleets and military equipment for melting-down. The subsequent materials will be used to create exponentially self-replicating, self-supporting robotic automated energy Survival Systems. One Survival System unit will be deployed to each of the world's 1000 most populous cities as a test run before further deployments.

   The explosive/fissile materials from artillery, bombs etc. should be converted into a new type of rocket fuel for space exploration technologies. This research should be done on the moon.

     The aircraft carriers and battleships should be converted into communal houseboats and moored. All fighter aircraft should be siphoned of gas and dumped into the coral triangle to provide new coral reef habitat.

   All military hardware including guns and ammunition should be melted down. Armor, knives, swords, bows and other rudimentary weaponry should be reserved for snorkeling, scuba-diving, survival and martial arts etc.

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