Friday, August 3, 2012


Identification-Resource-Allocation-Acquisition (I.D.R.A.A.) cards and Resource Management


Editor in chief, New First International

     Every person is issued an identification-resource-allocation-acquisition (i.d.r.a.a.) card. The cards are made of an organic plastic material. Though the use of the cards, people are able to access resources within society: they swipe their card when payments are required, and the amount of resources they are allocated on a monthly basis determines how much access they have to resources. The amount of resources allocated to each individual is determined by a formula. Accountants keep detailed, public records of the resources. Accountants convene regularly to keep a thorough account of the global resources. This is the essential component of the command-control-centrally planned system. In this way, resources are able to flow properly, increasing infrastructure, etc.
     Humanity working together all the time to maintain and perfect an equality of outcome egalitarian universe: that's the ideal.

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