Friday, August 3, 2012

World Socialism - Achieve Now!

World Revolution Lights Path for World Socialism!


Editor-in-chief, The New First International News Publication

     This is the first weblog of The New First International News Publication: a publication dedicated to the advancement of Marxism. The inspiration for the publication came to me in a dark dream in which freedom fighters were fighting a battle against their enemies for the survival of the human species.. in my dream, it was clear that I had a role to play; responsibility to the revolution.
     I heard the name New First International in my mind..and the publication was created. World revolution moves forward, and as it does, the collective goals of humanity are achieved with exponential efficiency and effect. Send word; by ear, text, tweet, message, blog, letter, and forum: world revolution has arrived and is in progress. Counter-revolutionaries have been enslaving the people and destroying the earth; through subversion the revolutionaries will triumph! We must regain our freedom and dignity as human beings, and our solidarity as communities. Defeat the enemy and achieve world socialism!

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