Friday, August 3, 2012

    All municipalities and regions will be required to set up a plan to redistribute space and capital on the basis of equal square footage and capital for all. This corresponds to residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, and agricultural property; religious resources will be acquiesced by the state for food distribution/meal services and shelter/housing programs as well as clothing and other basic necessity distribution. Where the state has determined a space/resource to serve an essential necessity for the function of society, it will be thoroughly collectivized and state-managed. All square footage and capital on earth should be allocated, whether to a state-run organization, or to individuals/groups.

      All industries, sectors, and businesses will be de-privatized. Businesses should endeavor to make things available at increasingly lower costs, ideally free.

      All utilities: water, energy, sewage and public transportation infrastructure currently in existence will be free.

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