Friday, August 3, 2012

Membership and Donations

All individuals and groups interested in joining and/or donating to The World Marxist Party may send an email to

Thanks for your support!


The New First International is the official news publication of The World Marxist Party.
    All municipalities and regions will be required to set up a plan to redistribute space and capital on the basis of equal square footage and capital for all. This corresponds to residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, and agricultural property; religious resources will be acquiesced by the state for food distribution/meal services and shelter/housing programs as well as clothing and other basic necessity distribution. Where the state has determined a space/resource to serve an essential necessity for the function of society, it will be thoroughly collectivized and state-managed. All square footage and capital on earth should be allocated, whether to a state-run organization, or to individuals/groups.

      All industries, sectors, and businesses will be de-privatized. Businesses should endeavor to make things available at increasingly lower costs, ideally free.

      All utilities: water, energy, sewage and public transportation infrastructure currently in existence will be free.


     Trials will proceed to try various individuals, groups, corporations, organizations and governments with crimes ranging from fraud and embezzlement of public funds, to treason and high treason, war-crimes, and crimes against humanity etc.

equivalent of $1000.00 USD a month

This will be the initial standard world welfare rate upon the implementation of world socialism. Welfare is the only form of Terra income. This rate is calculated by dividing the global GDP by the world's population. All personal, corporate, and national debts will be wiped out along with all rents and debts, plus payments/returns of damage deposits. Terra availability dictates the rate. Terra availability is dictated by the availability of resources. Terra availability fluctuates regularly according to resource availability.

To Ban: Endocrine Disruptors, BPA, Aspartame/Phenylalanine, M.S.G., High Fat, Sodium and Sugar Concentrations,Fluoridated Drinking Water and Toothpaste, and Toxic Additives to Tobacco and Other Products, etc.

Including: frozen foods, toxic synthetic pesticides, herbicides/fumigants, chemical fertilizers/sewer sludge, artificial colours and preservatives, synthetic flavours and sweeteners, trans fats, irradiation, G.E./G.M.O. etc.

Flag of The Republic of Earth